Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Max Payne review

One of my favorite video games back in the day was Max Payne. In 2008 this video game was brought to the big screen, and starred Mark Wahlberg. This film is action packed and quite suspenseful. Although, this film is not the best video game that has been brought to the big screen it is very entertaining.

The story behind Max Payne, Mark Wahlberg’s character, is a police officer for the New York Police Department. His family is murdered in their home while he was at work. He becomes consumed with finding the killers.

Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical company his wife worked for has developed a drug to make soldiers into super soldiers. This drug is still in the initial phase of testing when some of the test subjects leave the army and turn to crime, now that they are super soldiers.

This film ranks above most of the other video game films. However, it also ranks over several of the comic books that have come to the big screen, films such as Daredevil and Electra. I can’t say I would recommend everyone rush out to see this film like the others I have discussed, although if you do happen to stumble upon a friend with the film then it is worth checking out.

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